


这是近代历史上的第一次, five generations are converging on the workforce at the same time. 这种多样性应该被视为一种机会,让人们在一个所有人都能茁壮成长的地方!

如果你在2019年左右的社交媒体上,你可能听说过“OK Boomer”这个不屑一顾的词.“年轻一代利用这一点来抵制他们认为来自老一辈的居高临下的想法. 根据 纽约时报, the retort captured the generational across seemingly every issue from 政治活动, 气候变化社交媒体 to 技术, 隐私性别认同.

这是近代历史上的第一次, five generations are converging on the workforce at the same time. Not every generation sees eye-to-eye so how does this dichotomy work when you’re at work? While multigenerational workplaces present some obstacles for some employees, 这种多样性应该被视为一种机会,让人们在一个所有人都能茁壮成长的地方!

在她最新的T.R.U.E. 和特里谈谈。”多代的劳动力,“多样性, 公平与包容专家, 特里·霍华德关注的是每一代人的显著差异,以及这些差异对劳动力的影响. 霍华德邀请 丹Potterton,执行董事 家族企业公司. 行为健康, 和马修·吉列姆, 国际金融学院危机管理助理, 为了阐明几代人之间是如何互动的以及交流是什么样子的.

What are the different generations in the workforce?

Today's workforce is incredibly diverse especially when it comes to 年龄. 信不信由你, 在美国的职业环境中,最多可以有五代人,传统上是根据人们的出生时间来划分和分类的.

Although these classifications help to draw distinctions, they are not perfect representations of everyone born during these years. 这些分类有助于对这几代人进行概括,以及他们在工作中的反应.

1. 传统主义者(1928 - 1945)

传统主义者编造了大约 占今天劳动力的3% 和 are known for their strong work ethic 和 formal nature in the workplace. This generation of workers grew up through the Great Depression 和 World War II, 这就是为什么他们有强烈的团队合作意识, 牺牲, “make do with what you have” attitude 和 a respect for authority. 不像年轻一代, 他们更注重为公司服务,而不是个人的职业发展.

2. 婴儿潮一代(1946-1964)

婴儿潮一代占美国人口的很大一部分.S. 人口及有关资料 25%的劳动力. Unlike previous generations in which workers would retire at the traditional 年龄 of 65, 在仍在工作的婴儿潮一代中,近一半的人表示,他们预计要到65岁以后才能退休 10%的人认为他们永远不会退休.

典型的婴儿潮一代员工希望忠于自己的工作,并在工作场所采取以工作为中心的心态. 因为他们有事业心, they are more willing to take risks 和 challenge the status quo, 创造创新的工作场所,激励团队.

3. X一代(1965-1980)

人们都在讨论婴儿潮一代的工作和千禧一代在劳动力市场的崛起, X世代经常被忽视, 但这并不意味着它们不重要. X一代占了 33%的劳动力 in 2017. 他们被认为是一代独立的个体,为自己的创业精神感到自豪,所以这应该会让一些人感到惊讶 GlobeNewswire 基于 圣人 more than half (55%) of startup founders are Gen Xers.

Generations X serves as a bridge between Baby Boomers 和 Millennials. 他们重视传统的职业发展理念,同时也重视更加宽松和灵活的工作环境.

4. Y世代/千禧一代(1981-1996)

根据 皮尤研究中心千禧一代是美国人口最多的一代.S. labor force making up roughly 35%的劳动力. 千禧一代是真正在新技术进步的包围下成长起来的第一代,通常被描述为劳动力中受教育程度最高的一代. They also represent the fastest-growing segment of the workforce.

与前几代人不同,他们更看重职业发展,而不是对公司的忠诚. X一代员工开创了创造轻松工作环境的趋势,千禧一代进入职场后,这一趋势也得到了发展. 千禧一代不怕挑战权威或现状,为职场挑战创造创新的解决方案.

5. Z世代(1997-2015)

Generation Z (or post-millennial) is just starting to get hired so their impact, 虽然还很新,只贡献了大约 5%的劳动力在未来几年肯定会感受到. Since many within Generation Z started their professional careers during the p和emic, they value offline relationships 和 person-to-person interactions. 他们想要真正的雇主, 灵活的工作环境, 明确的工作方向和透明度.


波特顿已经工作多年,他个人注意到年轻一代的兴奋感. “年轻一代想要接受挑战. They want to take on access extra tasks 和 learn on the job,” Potterton explained. He said that it is refreshing to see people be excited about work. They are also very interested in sharing information, 无论是学习一直以这种方式做的事情还是尝试新事物.

On the other h和, Gilliam self-identifies as a millennial. He drew attention to the differences that 技术 brings about. Millennials may not have been born with 技术 at their fingertips, 但是他们很擅长使用科技, sometimes even explaining 技术 to older generations. Although 技术 has changed a lot about how the world interacts with each other, Gilliam explains how it also changes the way different generations think.

“老一辈人的记忆力惊人. Things were a lot more manual before the birth of 技术, so a lot of information must be committed to memory,吉列姆解释道. “作为千禧一代, 我学会了如何记住某些信息,比如电话号码,以及如何看地图. 下一代人只知道技术,不习惯用手工的方式做事. 我相信老一辈人有很多东西可以提供,比如如何提交记忆,或者当事情发生故障时该怎么做.”

年轻一代的优点之一是他们对团队合作和解决问题的兴趣. The older generation loves to teach 和 is often found in leadership positions. 如果企业能够平衡这些优势,它们就能产生更好的想法,并提高生产率.

Are there challenges that arise with these mixed generations present in the workplace? 

Unfortunately, there will always be some issues with communication between generations.

Millennials 和 Generation Z are e年龄r to move 和 have shorter attention spans. 根据 《幸运28计划》, attention spans are dwindling; the aver年龄 attention span of a Millennial is 12 seconds 和 for Gen Zers the aver年龄 attention span is 8 seconds. 因此, younger generations will float from project to project, 或者在他们的信息中保持简洁.

吉列姆解释了他是如何看待这种差异的, “I can't stay focused for more than 30 minutes to an hour. The expectation for a project completed in a certain amount varies from person to person. 我注意到,来自不同时代的人可以坐下来,在一个幸运28计划上不受干扰地工作两到三个小时,并能把它们推出去.”

波特顿也谈到了这些差异, “My generation lived to work rather than the younger generations who work to live.“老一辈人愿意加班,愿意把自己完全奉献给公司, younger generations are more focused on their lives outside of work.

How can leaders contribute to making sure that everyone, 不管他们是哪一代人, 在工作场所有归属感?

根据 社团基金会, while companies have recently renewed their diversity efforts, only 8% of organizations include 年龄 as part of their Diversity, 公平和包容(DEI)战略. 代际差异, 就像工作场所其他类型的多样性一样, 需要开诚布公地进行对话, 即使谈话不舒服. 领导者需要摒弃先入为主的观念,让自己对差异和变化持开放态度.

了解不同世代之间的差异,认识到有些过程是不同的, 和 people are different is a huge step in the right direction. Instead of focusing on how our differences set us apart from each other, generations should focus on how our differences can bring us together.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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