

Seasonal Networking Success: Why Connecting During the Holidays Pays Off

这是一年中最美好的时光,这是有原因的, 和 you have the opportunity to make wonderfully valuable connections this season!

随着这一年接近尾声, it's tempting to let our professional obligations take a backseat to family, 朋友, 最后一分钟的学习和软件下载都试图实现的精神重置. 然而, what most don’t consider is the opportunity to use the holiday “downtime” to strengthen your professional network 和 set yourself up for greater success in the new year. So, 给自己倒一杯热可可,打开你的领英, because you’re not quite finished with what can be accomplished before the 31st!


在你让别人告诉你现在不是建立人际关系的好时机之前, 看看这些关键的优势 节日期间的职业追求. 

这里有一些 关键好处 需要考虑:

  • 就业竞争减少: Many job seekers take a break from their search during the holiday season, 这意味着空缺职位的申请者可能会更少. 候选人的数量更少, you may have a higher chance of st和ing out 和 securing an interview.
  • 增加的招聘需求: Some businesses experience a surge in staffing needs during the holiday season due to increased customer dem和 or year-end budgets. This can lead to more job openings 和 more opportunities for job seekers. 保持警惕!
  • 独特的机会: Holiday parties 和 events provide excellent 网络的机会. Take advant年龄 of these social occasions to connect with professionals in your desired industry. Building relationships during this time can lead to prospects 和 referrals in the future.
  • 反思和目标导向的雇主: As the year ends, many employers reflect on the past year while goal setting for the year ahead. This mindset can result in a more focused 和 intentional hiring process, with employers actively seeking c和idates to fill specific roles to fulfill future plans.


Now that we've covered the advant年龄s of job searching during the holidays, let's explore some practical tips to make the most out of your 网络的努力:

  • 参加校园活动: 列一张你可以参加的活动、聚会和聚会的清单. This can include everything from professional events to casual gatherings hosted by 朋友 or colleagues. Remember to bring business cards 和 be prepared to introduce yourself to your new connections! 

Wondering how to find networking events near you during this time of year? Herzing在这里提供帮助. 从虚拟聚会到特定行业的聚会, 这只是把你自己放在那里的问题. 以开放的心态参加活动, 和 you might just find the perfect connection to bring your career to new heights.

  • 利用网络平台: 除了参加面对面的活动,利用 社交媒体平台,比如领英 扩大你的网络. 与你所在领域的专业人士联系, join industry-specific groups 和 participate in relevant discussions. Eng年龄 with other posts by sharing insights 和 helping where you can. Establishing your online presence 和 actively contributing to the conversation can help you make valuable connections within your field.
  • 加强你现有的网络: The holiday season is a great time to reach out to former colleagues, classmates or mentors. Send personalized mess年龄s expressing your wishes for the holiday season 和 inquire about any potential job opportunities or referrals they may have. Maintaining 和 nurturing relationships with your existing network can often lead to unforeseen job prospects.
  • 志愿者: 给 back to the community not only feels good, but it can also provide great 网络的机会. Look for local organizations or non-profits that align with your interests 和 values. 通过志愿者, you'll not only make a difference but also have the chance to connect with professionals who share similar passions. Engaging in meaningful work together can build strong connections that may lead to future professional opportunities.
  • 始终跟进: 在参加活动或与专业人士交流之后, 确保以及时和专业的方式跟进. Send thank-you notes or emails expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to connect. If you discussed specific job leads, follow up with a personalized mess年龄 expressing your interest. This sends a strong mess年龄 about your personal 和 professional character.

这是一年中最美好的时光,这是有原因的, 和 you have the opportunity to make wonderfully valuable connections this season! 好好利用这段时间,提高你的 网络的努力 确保明年是你最好的一年.




*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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